Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sent by my good friend Tim Brown: "I beg you…to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer…" - Rainer Maria Rilke 

Yesterday, Hayley was asked to write her name: she picked up the pen and wrote this.

Today she wrote to her good friend Gracie, without prompting: "Thanks for coming to see me. I love you. Hayley" THEN she was asked if there was anything she wanted: She wrote "When can you wash my hair?" and then she was asked "Is there anything else you'd like?" She wrote" "Be quiet." Everybody is always yapping at her with great intentions, but it must be annoying

She waved to her doctor and gave him a heart sign, she points things out accurately, is doing most physio exercises on her own. Her attention and focus are good, eye hand coordination excellent, communicates clearly, orientation intact. We are so excited for how well she is doing. 

"Doctors give the diagnosis, God gives the prognosis."

Although her fever is slightly elevated, they think they know where it's coming from, so chances are that will be under control. Sutures came out, incisions healing well. Her catheter was removed yesterday, and she is doing well on her own. She has still a couple of open wounds with dressings, her boot is on her fractured ankle, and she wears her brace awaiting a spinal fusion L1-2.

If you are reading this, could you possibly write back in the comments section on this blog instead of sending me emails, then we can save your comments. I promise I will read your messages to Hayley, it encourages and supports her to hear them. Please write.

Hospitals are filled with good people working in extremely complex systems, and stuff gets lost. To keep everything straight, we developed a daily Care Card which keeps track of everyone and everything that needs to happen. 

Also, I could not find anything written on what patients with head trauma should be doing in the first few weeks, so we made this up, feel free to use it if you have a family member with TBI. On one side are exercises and activities we think are important, and on the back are daily notes and requests. 

Much love and gratitude from the whole family


  1. The Marovish family (and extended family) has been and continues to pray for Hayley's full recovery and for her family's strength and patience. We all love Hayley so much. The boys (Hudson, Jack & Colten) have all made drawings for Hayley - is there an address where we can send them to? We look forward to your next posting. All of our love! Ryan, Kelli, Hudson, Jack & Colten

  2. Hi Kelly!

    Hayley would LOVE to see them! Please send the drawings to me (Janet) at 7220 Sanderling Court Carlsbad CA 92011 or you can scan and email to Love to you and the boys.

  3. Addendum from Susan (Mom):
    "Physical therapy was great. She worked so hard! Amazing to see such progress in only 3 days. They sat her up in bed and asked her what it felt like to sit up and she wrote: "It's awesome!!"
    Then we asked her if she wanted to go in gift shop and she wrote: "I'm good thanks :)." Bryce asked if she's going to be a 'mustang' which is the Cal Poly mascot, and and she wrote: "no duh!"

    Today was a great day ❤

  4. I am so happy to see that she is doing better. My name is Nohemi and I work with Hayley at See's Candies. We are all praying for a speedy recovery. Please let her know we Love her and miss her very much. Also ask her is she would like us to send her some butterscotch squares :) We love you Hayley...

  5. Wow, what progress you are making Hayley! I know right now things must be very overwhelming to you, confusing at times and frustrating also. Just take each day as it comes... you are working hard and doing so well. Each day your life will get better.

    I have seen other patients go through things like this and know how hard they work to recover. You have hundreds of people cheering you on from the sidelines. We love you and are amazed at your spirit and determination! Good things are ahead girl! You Go Girl!

    Pat Spier Nurse from El Fuerte O.R. and Liga Youth Mentor

  6. Hayley, you amaze us. All of your cousins in Canada are thinking of you constantly and focusing our love and energy on your healing.

    I know it must be unbelievably frustrating right now but with your determination and spirit I'm sure your progress will be fast.

    Lots of love,
    Susan, Alan, Max and Kai
