Saturday, June 30, 2012

Liam's First Post

Hey everyone! I've been home since June 7. Although my activities are limited I am trying to make the best of it. My daily life has included hanging out with my good friends and mostly going to the beach, enjoying life. After being in the hospital with everyone for a while we have all bonded. I have come back to visit Julia and Hayley a few times and I have to say that has been the highlight of my summer seeing how much better they are doing. Thank you so much to all who have kept Julia, Hayley and me in their hopes and prayers.


  1. Liam! Our circle is complete!

    We have been waiting for you and are so glad to hear from you. Both Hayley and Julia are on the mend and we can't wait to get together later on in the summer when all this other "stuff" gets out of the way. You will always be our strong warrior and member of this amazing survivor's club. Love you.

  2. Liam: The photo of you at school on that Friday was the thing that gave me hope. I cried when I saw it! You keep healing and get back to hockey!


