Saturday, September 22, 2012

Off to College

Today Julia heads off to UC Santa Barbara to begin college! Yay! She is doing well! Julia will need to take Spring semester off college for knee surgery ... everything else healing.

Hayley starts Cal Poly San Luis Obispo January 7, 2013! Yay! Some things are worth waiting for. She's volunteering at Birch Aquarium, working part-time, in Rehab sessions (Physical Therapy and Cognitive Therapy), and adjusting to LPT (Life Post-Trauma). She still has vocal cord damage and limited ankle mobility but her attitude is optimistic, she never considers worrying about her injuries and her scars. When she was told that she might have to have a spinal fusion, she said "Well, I'll handle it!" Hayley has even been asked to speak at conferences ... she is an inspiring speaker!

Last night Hayley had a vivid flashback when Gram (me) ran over a curb in a low sports car ... the car belly made a loud thump. This triggered strong anxiety and a vivid flash of sitting in the back seat of the plane, seeing the pilot's seat back in front of her and the river surface just ahead. Until now, Liam Guzman has had flashbacks (in the front seat, saw the wires, felt the airplane spinning). We were hoping Hayley and Julia would be spared, flashbacks are terrorizing.

I have had several emails about direct donations (not through PayPal) for our girls. Here is their direct deposit information for their Trust Funds that will help them with not just medical expenses, but future issues. 

Hayley E Brown Trust Fund: 
Bank of America
Acct: 164105320796
Routing: 121000358

Julia Tower:
Union Bank
Acct: 0020650338
Routing: 122000496

Thanks to everyone for their love and support.

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